Sunday, May 31, 2015

Private Number (DVD Review) - Arc Entertainment

Directed By: LazRael Lison
Written By: LazRael Lison
Starring: Hal Ozsan, Nicholle Tom, Tom Sizemore
Color/97 Minutes/R
Region 1
Relesae Date: June 2, 2015

The Film
As Michael Lane faces the mounting pressures of writer's block while writing the sequel to his successful fantasy novel and struggling everyday to maintain his sobriety a series of strange phone calls begin harassing him and his wife during the night saying only "Remember me?". With little help from the police is up to Lane to solve the mystery before it breaks down everything he has fought for but the outcome may be more terrifying than he had ever expected.

Driven by psychologically terrorizing our victims who are already a bit fractured in their own right, PRIVATE NUMBER uses a common supernatural tactic with the haunted phone calls even after they're unplugged. It works well enough because there are few things as irritating as prank phone calls or just your phone constantly ringing in general, especially in the middle of the night. Writer/director LazRael Lison takes the high road and allows the psychological aspect of the film and the actors rock solid performances to carry the movie instead of opting for a bunch of cheap thrills or jump scares.

Hal Ozsan and Nicholle Tom really carry the movie as a couple in love but unable to deal with both their individual issues and their marriage that is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. PRIVATE NUMBER isn't a game changer and it isn't a masterpiece but it is a decent psychological horror/thriller that is just a bit too predictable for its own good.

The Audio & Video
Arc Entertainment's anamorphic widescreen (2.35:1) transfer looks nice for DVD. The image is crisp and sharp with nice colors and depth. The English language 5.1 Dolby Digital audio track is also very nice. The mix is well done with no damage to speak of.

The Extras
Extra features include:

-Making of - a 15 minute behind the scenes featurette with interviews of the cast
-Deleted scenes

The Bottom Line
PRIVATE NUMBER is worth a watch for fans of psychological horror/thrillers.


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