Friday, April 22, 2016
INFRASEXUM - Vinegar Syndrome (DVD Review)
Directed By: Carlos Tobalina
Written By: Claus Muras, Carlos Tobalina
Starring: Eroff Lynn, Carlos Tobalina, Marsha Jordan
Color/87 Minutes/Not Rated
Region FREE
Release Date: March 26, 2016
The Film
An older man has lost his sexual drive and decides to temporarily leave his business, his wife and the rest of his life behind to find it. His road trip leads him to a simpler life where he finds a great appreciation in painting and meeting new friends. His journey is bumpy as he experiences bits of murder and kidnapped along with more failed sexual venture but he doesn't give up despite how wild his journey gets.
INFRASEXUM is an interesting piece of sexploitation, experimenting in mixing roughie elements with lots of nudie cutie scenes. The more violent and rough scenes come out of nowhere which lend credence that anything can and probably will happen on this trip.
This is director Carlos Tobalina's debut feature film and it feels no less polished than movies he'd make years later as a far more experienced director. There's flourishes of style and he gets rock solid performances from his cast. Tobalina shows that he can direct a sexy fuck scene as well as a nasty murder scene. INFRASEXUM flows well and even if the main story is predictable there's enough turns in this road trip to keep things fresh and be a piece of sexploitation well worth seeking out.
The Audio & Video
The DVD presentation of INFRASEXUM is damn good. Vinegar Syndrome's new 2K scan from the original 35mm camera negative turns into a rather gorgeous 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen transfer. Detail is quite strong for a standard definition release and colors are vivid and natural. Black levels are solid and there's very little in the way or damage or dirt and debris. The Dolby Digital mono mix is crisp and clear. There's no background noise or damage to speak of.
The Extras
The original theatrical trailer is included
The Bottom Line
INFRASEXUM is an interesting and enjoyable journey and an enjoyable piece of sexploitation.
INFRASEXUM is available HERE
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