David Hess, the iconic baddie in such films as Last House On The Left and House On The Edge Of The Park has passed away at the age of 69. The man was a pure prescence on screen and made you absolutely despise him. The way he manipulated "Ricky" in House On The Edge Of The Park and his acts of depravity in LHOTL. He was easily hated in his roles but I never once heard a story of him being anything but a kind and grateful man in his personal life. He had been making the rounds on the convention circuit lately and everything I've heard from fans who were lucky enough to meet him confirm that. I wish I had found the time to get to meet him.
David Hess didn't only act, he was a very accomplished musician including soundtracks for films he worked on and writing songs for Elvis Presley (yes, THE Elvis). The entertainment world has lost a great talent. And his family and friends have lost a good man. A movie marathon in his honor is in store for tomorrow.
RIP Mr. Hess and thank you.

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